Tuesday, March 21, 2006


The tamil movie I recently saw was Pattiyal. I had taken a firm decision of not watching the “trash” that kollywood churns out. Sorry all you avid Tamil movie goers!! I agree movies are just a form of entertainment and we shouldn’t take these to heart but any “junk” in the name of entertainment is hard to take! Why this movie? One reason being Arindum Ariyamalum by the same director did catch my attention!! Honestly the major factor being someone very close to me was the assistant director for this movie!:-)

I was very excited even before the movie began. Having heard bits and pieces about different facets of movie making from the assistant director I was itching to watch this one. The show began and I must admit I was not a wee bit disappointed!!

The titles rolled on interlaced with scenes from the movie! Impressive opening and a good first half. The director has taken great care to etch the character Kosi and Selva-The protagonists. I did wonder as to why so much importance was given to building the characters and my questions were answered in the post interval period. The scenes shot realistically makes you a part of the character’s lives! The on screen chemistry between the leading pairs was a delight to watch. Kudos to the director for not shifting to exotic foreign locales to shoot songs as it would have seemed totally unrealistic!!

The first half ended with everyone smiling and wondering how the movie is going to take shape.

Second half was gripping to say the least. I do not wish to give the story away but every scene was well thought off and the plot was well outlined for the climax. Screenplay plays the hero here and the otherwise simple story becomes an intriguing plot with realistic sentinemnts. Pattiyal or the list of events in Selva’s and Kosi’s life makes your heart ache. The climax is viewed with pin drop silence and you leave the theater thinking “Do these things actually happen”. Ask the director and I am sure he would say yeah they do!

Performances are top notch! I frankly was surprised with Barat’s portrayal of the dumb and deaf Selva. You can see that his hard work towards giving a realistic performance has paid off!

Kosi’s role is a piece of cake for Arya and he’s proven his mettle yet again, thanks to the director’s capabilities to draw out powerful performance. Nirav Shah’s camera work is just different. You hardly watch a tamil movie and actually notice the camera shots and angle but Nirav shah’s camera work leaves a mark. Songs are good fun to watch! Lastly it’s no use comparing this with Arindum Ariyamalum. They are both movies of different genre’ ! If I still am going to compare the I would say the first half packages a whole lot of fun and the subtle humor is evident(like AA) but the second half is the stealer! the story unfolds right then and there is no looking back…


Rhapsoder said...

Still not changed your last name?? :-)

When's Soundarya becoming a director??

Karthik said...

Well..Well...I did not know that you blogged!!!!

I have yet another interesting read