Monday, May 15, 2006

Civic Sense

How many of us have gone outside India and looked at the clean roads, pathways, trains, buses and complained that ”Well, This can never happen in India. No one would listen even if the government puts up rules”. Sadly maybe that statement is 80% true. It sounds cliché but on a strong note we should think twice before littering the road or creating any kind of public nuisance. Why am I writing about this? This incident in the bus on my way to work actually made me think!!
This person sitting next to me was eating fruits and casually kept throwing the waste out of the window. If educated people behave this way then can we complain on the illiterate people who do the same thing? All I could do was reiterate the importance of civic sense and duty to this person. Small step but I am sure it will go a long way. I strongly feel that we should at least question it when we see it happening so that people don’t take things for granted and I am sure that it would make a big difference someday.. So next time you see some one littering don’t hesitate to tell them the importance of civic duty!


Krishnan said...
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Krishnan said...

U guessed them rt. Good blog, btw.

Ayshu said...

Thanks...:-) Good luck with the midterms!

Ayshu said...

:-)Considering it was uninteresting food I frankly dint care that it wasnt shared!!

FSN 3.0 said...

Hmm..and just how did this person take it, when you said whatever it is that you said...

Ayshu said...

Actually the person was embarrased and maybe was mad at me for pointing out something trivial. Was just discussing the other day with someone at work. Funny thing is even foreigners in India litter places like airport and when questioned actually ask us"Dont you people do it"?.. Its sad!!Basic things have to be pointed out to some people!

seriously_frivolous said...

I tend to agree with them (the foreigners). Its a like an unconstrained world without rules and regulations; India provides it, so might as well take it might be their point of view.

Sylvian said...

Hey thats a real good one...You know What its the lack of self discipline in the hearts of people. Once in a speech Dr.Abdul Kalam asked "will we throw the same wastes when we go to Singapore?" We will not. Its not that because of fines they stop throwing wastes, it is their self discipline. A japanese if he sees a waste paper in the road, he picks it up, takes it to his home and then throws it in his dust bin...Atleast our people can throw the waste in the dust bin atleast...

Ayshu said...

What was that?I totally Disagree
I know.Some people just dont have the basic civic sense!

seriously_frivolous said...

You probably missed the sarcasm. I am not vouching for the foreigner's and in fact voicing your opinion. When you get a chance, check out my blog, posted a couple.

FSN 3.0 said...

Hmm...I've heard lines like "I'm giving the sweepers some work/employment" or something like that, in the past. Here in the US, I've gone to the extent of throwing other people's trash (nothing major, just stuff like paper,unused napkins and things) in the bin. Wonder if this will still continue when I'm in India. Will be interesting to find out...

Ayshu said...

Old habits Die Hard I think!!:-))I doubt if you would just change yourself and react differently to the same situation here..