Sunday, October 08, 2006

I am tagged

Supposed to write 6 weird things about me!!
Extremely judgemental that sometimes I don't give someone even the time to explain themselves
Mood swings that even I can't figure out why!! Can be sooooooo happy one minute and sad the next minute..
Hate fruits...Dont even like a mango.. half the world wonder why!!
Don't forgive easily...maybe its my Ego....
Have to say I have an amazing height but the irony is I am so conscious of my height that sometimes I go all out to hide it!!Tough though!But now I have overcome that...Defintely..:-)
My mind can conjure up so many stories and ideas that I get influenced by it a lot!for me my idle mind is worse than a devil's workshop...Sometimes my close people wonder how I can even think such stuff!!

Not sure if they all fall into the category of wierd...but nevertheless...
And I tag TS, Kavitha and Anjali


seriously_frivolous said...

nice...but then knew all the weird things already..noithing came as a surprise :)

cant talk without moving your hands would be an interesting weird thingie there

Aditi said...

oh girl being tall is good.. dont try to hide it..

Ayshu said...

Yeah I know...Its nota suprise to most and expected that comment from you...Maybe You could hv written it!!:-))Yeah thats there...
Yup...difficult to hide as well!!:-))But def. now flaunting it!!

Kavitha said...

Hey ayshu, Only just read your latest posts / comments. Don't know if you want fiction/non-fiction recommendations; also, I've not been reading of late, the last book i read was The Prophet - collection of 26 poetic essays by Khalil Gibran. A great book, if you enjoy philosophy. The Razor's edge by Somerset Maugham was a good one too!

Oh and read the part about being tagged...sigh! Will come up with a list soon enuf. But what if I think nothing about me is weird?!! May be i'll tag others to come up with a list about me :) :)

anjali said...

ok here goes my list aysh,

have to close open dooors!!!

hate wading through rain water

hate anyone spelling my name wrong...or actually anything wrong!!!

hate being short ...wish we could swap!

love fighting with my husband...or anyone for tht matter!!!

hate being a grown up!

i guess that kinda stuns everyone else into silence but that's the weird me!

Speech is Golden said...

i guess it wud be weird if someone wasn't judgemental. we are all judgemental to some degree. or was it just me.

Ayshu said...

Yeah I hate anyone spelling my name wrong too..should add that!!Actually ur list has given me things to add now..:-)
Yeah pls do it when you find time..Thanks for the suggestion..
Yes we are to a small extent..but thats also relative rt??

Ayshu said...

I have read that.Its AWESOME. I almost had tears reading that book!!!So well written....I think there is also a movie by that name..

Dream Sporting said...

Hating fruits isn't weird. Eating vegetables is!!! :)

Ayshu said...

According to who?you?

Ayshu said...

Tagged with 6 weird stuff..:-))))List can go on and on!!